I/We am giving my consent to the management team of WTC Alliance to further process my
application to join WTC Alliance AGM . I/We also acknowledge the following:
- I/We declare that the information provided by me/us is true and accurate to the best of my/our knowledge. Nevertheless, WTC Alliance reserves the right to
terminate membership without any further notification if any incorrect or fraudulent details are provided or found.
- We have read and understood all the terms and conditions mentioned on all official platforms, including but not limited to the official website of WTC Alliance.
• We acknowledged reading and understanding all SOPs and Terms & Conditions related to WTC Financial AGM.
- Our acknowledgment of reading, understanding, and adhering to all SOPs related to WTC's operation process of WTC ALliance AGM or to any other part of WTC
alliances' AGM operations.
- We declare hereby that we will adhere to all the relevant processes outlined in the respective SOP's executed by WTC alliance and will be bound to adhere to
any further updates or changes to any process or part of process outlined in the SOP's.
- In accordance with the terms of the WTC Alliance AGM , we consent to our application being processed by the WTC Alliance's management.
- WTC Alliance management is authorized to take all necessary steps to proceed with AGM application, including but not limited to getting necessary
documents from the related persons/authorities.