
About This Event

Best logistics networking conference ever held

Know about Conference

This electrifying event gathers pioneering minds and industry leaders around the globe.

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STRONG Connections

Your trust empowers us to ensure the best experience at the WTC Conference networking conference.

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More than meetings

Get inspired, build bonds, and find direction for your global logistics journey in a refreshing environment.

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Why to attend?

What's unique at
this Conference?

The WTC Conference is one of the best productive and informative events where in potential freight forwarders.

Global Trade

The chance to reconnect with established partners and forge new business relationships in logistic and forwarding business World-wide.

Business Meetings

we are hosting a variety of special social networking events. With over 250 members from 98+ countries in attendance.

Business &

As the global business partner, WTC Alliance believes that entertainment is equally important for getting Success in any business journey .


We believe genuine networking thrives in a relaxed, comfortable environment. Our aim is to foster honesty and openness, enabling you to connect authentically.

Registration Open Now

Elevate Your Business Connections! Secure Your Spot at the WTC Conference - Register Today.










Pre-Event Preparation

Welcome to the Global Logistics Renaissance!
We are thrilled to welcome you to the WTC Alliance Conference 2024 in Bangkok, Thailand from June 11-13th. This three-day event brings together logistics professionals from around the world to innovate, connect and sustain the future of the industry.

Conference Theme:
Global Logistics Renaissance (Innovate, Connect, Sustain)

Prepare Your Elevator Pitch:
Be ready to introduce yourself succinctly and clearly to other attendees. Craft a brief elevator pitch that highlights your expertise, interests, and objectives for attending the conference.

Gather Necessary Materials:
Prepare any materials or resources you might need for the conference, such as business cards, promotional materials, or notepads for taking notes during sessions.

Plan Your Schedule:
Once you've reviewed the conference agenda, create a personalized schedule for yourself. Prioritize the sessions and activities you want to attend, but also leave room for spontaneous networking opportunities or impromptu discussions

Pack Essentials:
Pack essential items such as comfortable attire, snacks, water bottle, chargers for electronic devices, and any other items you may need to stay energized and focused throughout the day.

Social Media Promotion
We will help you with the official conference graphics, banners and flyers. Share them through your social media channels like LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram etc. Use the hashtag #WTCLogisticsRenaissance to join the conversation

Email Signature:
Get WTC conference email signature banner, Follow the instructions to add it to your email signature, Drive more awareness with this simple addition.

Getting to Bangkok
We will provide airport pickup facility for each delegate.

Registration and Check-In:
Your accommodation for 3 nights is included with your conference registration at the Marriott Marquis Queen's Park. 3 nights’ accommodation at Marriott Marquis Queen's Park, you need to check-in on 11th June, 2024 early and check out – 14th June, 2024 early morning.

We look forward to welcoming you to the WTC Alliance Conference 2024 for three days of invaluable knowledge-sharing, networking and celebrating the global logistics renaissance!